Who says you need someone with a perfect smile and white lab coat to sell toothpaste?

In a world where sugars are hidden behind scientifically-engineered or au naturale-sounding names, Pepsodent wanted to highlight the importance of preventive oral care and anti-cavity toothpastes.

We reframed the fact that sugars in everyday snacks are a common source of cavities and turned it into a series where the snacks people eat end up eating away at their teeth.


Cannes Lions | Shortlist (Outdoor)
Cannes Lions | Shortlist (Outdoor)
Cannes Lions | Shortlist (Outdoor)
AD STARS | Gold (Print – Product & Service)
AD STARS | Gold (Design – Communication Design)
AD STARS | Silver (Print – Print Craft)
AD STARS | Silver (Print – Print Craft)
AD STARS | Silver (Design – Product & Service)
Spikes Asia | Bronze (Print & Publishing)
Spikes Asia | Shortlist (Print & Publishing)
Creative Circle Awards | Silver (Outdoor)
Creative Circle Awards | Silver (Outdoor)
Creative Circle Awards | Silver (Outdoor)
Creative Circle Awards | Bronze (Print & Publishing)
ADFEST | Finalist (Press Lotus)
ADFEST | Finalist (Press Lotus)
